Principal's Message

GISP, a place where the genius in every child is harnessed, the curiosity in every mind is piqued and the transformation in every soul is transcended to experience and to ‘Inspire Excellence!’

A child’s mind is a storehouse of enormous potential and power. To enliven the mission statement, and to empower the students, the school committedly aims at unleashing this maximum capacity of children, spurring their innovation and enabling them to confidently resolve problems creating a global impact. The school untiringly strives to edify and evolve students into culturally transformed and uniquely good humans by showing the right seed.

In order to tackle the complex future and to dwell in a period of rapid societal and technological evolution, our focus is aligned to implement rewarding exploratory and experiential teaching / learning strategies. Today, we live in an age of information, it is everywhere. Our motive is to instill in children the discernment to evade the inappropriate information and to critically analys and acquire the information that is befitting. This information is truly liberating and life giving. We believe that imbuing in children a lifelong love for learning will create a world where reselient, civil and socially adept generation can be witnessed. This is being executed in our school by anchoring viable methodologies where we learn and explore beyond books and classroom walls. 

GISP, has long fostered a culture of awe-inspiring young minds by instigating wonderment. We believe that learning commences right from birth and doesn’t end with school. We also scrupulously work to preserve the curious mind by eluding bombardment of knowledge.

GISP nurtures global stewardship and leadership qualities in children by developing the right attitude of socializing.

The quality of socialization upskilled in our school is in the sensibility of the right kind of boundaries.

By the unending grace of GOD ALMIGHTY we aspire to bolster the student community to not just survive but to thrive in a world of ever-changing challenges. 

We are destined to make the distant dreams within reach. Let GATEWAY reign! 

Mrs.Susan Victoria – Principal

Admission Enquiry
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